5 Feng Shui Rules That Should Never Be Broken - QC Design School

Feng shui is literally defined as wind and water, as “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. These elements are associated with good health and fortune, and using feng shui in your client’s home will improve the flow of energy. However, this is an ancient Chinese practice, and there are specific rules to be followed!

The goal of furniture placement is to attract strong “chi”. Keeping the home organized and helping your client understand their intent for feng shui are also important factors.

Read on for five feng shui rules that should never be broken!

organize the drawer according to Marie Kondo is great for feng shui

1. Be Organized and Tidy

This is first on the list for a reason! A disorganized home is a breeding ground for stress, depression, and unhappiness. This is well-known among designers, including professional organizers and interior decorators.

Chinese people defined “chi” as invisible energy that binds life together, and it is impossible for strong chi to exist in the home with clutter and dirt. When helping your client use feng shui, the first order of business should be to clear away any dust, dirt, or clutter that will get in the way of positive, healthy energy. Not sure where to start? Clean out a drawer or closet that has been neglected and start putting systems in place to keep it organized.

Can’t you feel the positive energy already?

2. Keep Your Bed Away from the Window

Feng shui is very strict about this rule! Your head should never be underneath a window while sleeping – the logic behind this is that both your mind and body need support, so beds should be placed against solid walls with no doors on either side.

Furniture placement is extremely important when it comes to feng shui, and the bedroom is perhaps the most important space of all (it’s where we rest and recharge). The energy in this space needs to be tranquil and harmonious, which leads us to our next rule….

3. Separate Work and Rest Areas

Attracting (and maintaining) positive energy will require your client to be mindful of how they use that space. Setting up a desk in your client’s bedroom goes against a strict rule of feng shui, which is to keep work and rest areas separate. It’s tempting to keep a laptop next to the bed, as many people work demanding jobs (and some work from home), but this will destroy the tranquility in their life!

Your client’s bedroom cannot possibly be an oasis of calm if they associate it with work, so encourage them to find another area to set up their work station (like the kitchen or a spare room).

keep the work space separate in the home

4. Use the Bagua Map Properly

If you plan on using feng shui in your client’s home, familiarizing yourself with the Bagua map is absolutely vital.

An eight-sided energy map, this tool uses your client’s space to map out their life. It will help identify the areas where they should make positive changes.To give you a basic lesson, the Bagua map is most commonly aligned with the front door, as this is considered the “mouth of chi”, where all the energy enters into the home.

Feng shui dictates that the Bagua map should be used with a birds-eye view and drawn over the floor plan of the home. Once it is in place, you can look at which areas of your clients’ life they would most like to improve, and focus on those areas specifically.

If the Bagua map is not used, you’ll likely try to make all the changes at once, which can be detrimental to the home. Doing this can create more clutter and disorganization. Follow this rule to let energy flow easily.

5. Know Your Colors

Every home decorator knows the importance of color in the home. Colors improve quality of life by boosting moods, eliminating stress, and increasing confidence

Think about the color red for a moment. We can bet that thoughts of passion and exuberance come to mind. When that color is on the walls of a living space, the energy in that environment becomes passionate, bold, and lively. Choosing the color green, in contrast, will create a sense of peace and calm. This can help clients unwind after a busy day!

girl living in a home with lots of sunlight and plenty of plants

It’s important to meet with your clients and understand exactly what kind of atmosphere they want their home to emanate, and which qualities they personally want to improve on. Using the right colors in your clients’ living space is a feng shui rule that should never be broken. Do your research and plan out your color scheme!

Know any other feng shui rules that deserve some praise? Let us know in the comments!

Join the discussion 18 Comments

  • Pilin says:

    Thank you for this opportunity, i will like to know more about this

  • Richa Gupta says:

    Hello Victoria, I came across your article as I was looking for some tips on how to Feng- Shui your home for prosperity… While I was reading about it these guru’s including your good self mentioned something about Bagua nad its principles….I wanted to learn some more tips on how I can apply it in my abode…!! Thanks for all the information that you have put out there and still willing to entertain queries.

    • Kim H Tan says:

      I hv painted the interior of my walls v pale pink exceot for the feature wall in every room , a darker shade of pink eg where the headboard of the bed is
      Is pink color ok in feng shui?

  • N Dorothy Tembe says:

    I love Feng Shui principals and I would love to learn more.

  • MD Nasim Reza says:

    The Chinese accept that hues reverberate with specific frequencies that have various qualities and affinities from year to year. Various homes have distinctive shading affinities, and various characters vibrate better with specific hues in various years.
    For 2021, the shading red is fortunate as it speaks to expanded earnings and large riches. This is where Fire just shows up as a shrouded component. Note that red is the shading related with the planet MARS, and in 2021, the shading speaks to WEALTH karma.

    • Sarah-Lynn Seguin says:

      This is great feedback, and a wonderful contribution! Thank you for taking the time to bring up this fantastic point! 🙂

      All the best,
      The QC Team

  • leena john says:

    Feng Shui is a process that affects your internal landscape just as much as it affects your physical environment. what is feng shui

  • CatMom says:

    Actually, I have another question. I know we are not to store anything under our beds, but what if items are securely in a receptacle used for that purpose.
    For example, a shoe organizer in a large zipped package. I live in a studio & space is sparse.

    • Sarah-Lynn Seguin says:

      Hi Colleen, thanks for commenting! We’d advise you to try and find some other area to store that receptacle. However, if this is not an option, then you shouldn’t hesitate to do what you need to do and store it under your bed. The fact that the item(s) would still be stored in an organized way – in this case, securely in a receptacle – will still help reduce the amount of clutter happening in the space. Sometimes, it can feel harder to make a space entirely clutter-free when that space is small. When you have limited room to work with, just do you best and maximize the limited space as best you can. A little (organized) ‘clutter’ is better than chaotic clutter! 🙂

      All the best,
      The QC Team

  • stephy says:

    When the head of the Pixiu faces outwards, it is a symbol of grabbing wealth luck and bringing it for you.


  • Persona says:

    I was asked by a friend of mine to order a feng shui ring for her as she watched a video about it on youtube.My concern is is it possible to order it through amazon?what can happen if you stop using the feng shui ring?

    • Sloane Seguin says:

      Hi there,

      This is a very interesting question! We don’t personally teach about Feng Shui rings, and we would need to do more research into the product before being able to provide any insight or recommendations. For now, what I’d recommend is checking out whether it’s available on Amazon, and doing a bit of Google research into the ring itself. For example, you can try Googling “what can happen if you stop using your Feng Shui ring?” and see what sort of information comes up in the search results. 🙂

      All the best,
      The QC Team

  • Sharon Richardson says:

    Question: Can I use colors to improve Feng Shui if the space available makes it impossible to arrange furniture correctly?

    • Sloane Seguin says:

      Hi Sharon,

      Thanks so much for commenting with such a great question! If the space makes arranging/rearranging furniture impossible, then you can absolutely utilize colors to improve Feng Shui! Just be sure to go with the right colors, based on the room, the vibes and atmosphere you wish to create in that room, etc. Because the goal is to create a harmonious, peaceful flow of energy, you also don’t want to add to the feeling of a claustrophobic, cluttered space by selecting a color that makes the room feel too nosy, makes it appear smaller, etc.

      We hope this helps! 🙂

      All the best,
      The QC Team

  • Michael Graser says:

    Can I wear the bracelet to work? I wash alot of dishes while Im there

    • Sloane Seguin says:

      Hi Michael,

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, and we apologize for our delayed response!

      Please note that our knowledge is geared more towards Feng Shui design, rather than Feng Shui accessories (such as a Feng Shui bracelet). That said, based off the reading we’ve done, it seems to be recommended that you remove your bracelet when doing dishes, as putting the bracelet in contact with dirty water and food debris can interrupt the flow of positive, clean energy emitting from the bracelet. When you remove the bracelet, make sure to place it down with the head of the bracelet facing the door of the room you’re in. This will help guard and protect you while you work through the dishes.

      Outside of doing the dishes, though, you should be fine to wear your bracelet at work. 🙂

      We hope this helps!

      All the best,
      The QC Team

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